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Por Lissa de Alexandria � Bel�m Bel�m -Lissa do Nascimento de Jesus Cristo, Bel�m de Bel�m.A lissa Alexandria de Cristo?? � Par�
25/12/2023 05h49 Atualizado 25/ dezembro/ 2023
As pinhas tradicionais nas decora��es de Natal v�m dos pinheiros,?? ambos caracter�sticos do Sabbat de Yule �
: Giulia Bucheroni/TG
O Natal todo mundo conhece como a celebra��o do renascimento de
germ�nicos?? faziam rituais do final do m�s de dezembro at� os primeiros dias de janeiro, pedindo aos deuses ligados � fertilidade,?? em especial ao Deus [Sol] e � Deusa M�e [Natureza], que conseguissem vencer a escurid�o e as colheitas escassas, j�?? que o per�odo abrange o Solst�cio de Inverno (21 e 22 de Dezembro) � per�odo que � menor e ocorre?? a noite mais longa do ano -. Nessa �poca, havia o medo de que a natureza n�o
per�odo grande at� a?? chegada da �crian�a da promessa�, que � anunciada pelos raios solares. � o retorno do sol�, completa a doutora em?? educa��o e pesquisadora sobre paganismo contempor�neo no curso de Ci�ncias da Religi�o da Universidade do Estado do Par� (Uepa), Roseli?? Souza.
Uma das primeiras refer�ncias ao Yule � de um escrito assinado pelo monge ingl�s Bede, Que escreveu no in�cio do?? s�culo VIII sobre �giuli� -
de inverno.
�O Yule � uma marca��o de passagem do tempo�, resume a professora. �
: Petras?? Malukas/AFP
Ela complementa dizendo que os povos antigos relacionavam o retorno do sol ao renascimento da natureza, por isso se falava?? na �crian�a da promessa���. Era o sol nascendo de novo, e a promessa era o renascimento do mundo, que era?? uma promessa de renascimento.�
ritual�stico, e l� no s�culo VIII, os rituais n�o tinham liga��o alguma com seitas ou doutrinas contr�rias?? aos ensinamentos crist�os. Eles celebravam as passagens de tempo, as ciclos da natureza�, explica.
E nos rituais de Yule, se agradecia?? pelo retorno da luz, pela coragem de ter enfrentado o per�odo cr�tico do inverno e se pede pela continua��o da?? vida.�No per�odo, a maioria dos povos antigos europeus levavam grandes toras de madeira para casa
formato da madeira), as acendiam, e?? as cinzas eram jogadas nas plantas.
Como era um per�odo ainda escuro, as casas eram decoradas com muitas velas. Uma das?? �rvores mais utilizadas era o Pinheiro, j� que � uma das poucas que sobrevivem ao inverno sem perder as folhas.?? Elas eram colocadas nos cantos das casas e decoradas como peda�os de comida, como ma��s, runas (formas de adivinha��o), est�tuas,?? tiras de tecido e cores fortes como o verde e o vermelho
ficavam muito tempo presas dentro de casa por causa?? da neve, das chuvas, passavam muito, muito muito pouco juntas e havia a brincadeira da troca m�gica de presentes, que?? n�o eram comprados. Eram, muitas vezes, objetos da pessoa, de afeto. Essas brincadeiras faziam o tempo passar, possibilitavam o acolhimento,?? a harmoniza��o, o partilha�, descreve a professora.
Yule � uma comemora��o pag� que celebra o nascimento da 'crian�a prometida' �
celebra��o?? desse per�odo da natureza, na l�ngua inglesa, significa �em torno do natal�, �natal�cio�.
�O Yule n�o � anticrist�o. A celebra��o de?? Yules � uma entre as outras do ciclo da terra que falam de nascimento, vida e morte?', diz Roseli Souza.�A?? cultura pag� n�o se converteu ao cristianismo, resistiu � mudan�a de pol�tica espiritual, ficou na condi��o de pag�o
espiritualidade, como existem?? tantas outras religi�es com pr�ticas que n�o s�o as mesmas do cristianismo. � muito necess�rio desvincularmos que todo n�o-crist�o seria?? pag�o, porque o sentido pejorativo de pag� nasce disso. As festas pag�s s�o festas de uma cultura, de um espiritualidade,?? e as festas crist�s se instituem dentro da hist�ria do Cristianismo�, explica a pesquisadora.
Nascimento em 25 de dezembro e rein�cio?? em 1� de janeiro?
utilizadas para migrar do polite�smo, cren�a em v�rios deuses, para o monote�smo e tra�ar paralelos.
utilizando para migra��es?? para migra��o do Polite�sta, polito�smo (polite�stas), para a cren�a de v�rios, foi aprender sobre a cultura dos povos antigos,
O rei?? noruegu�s Haakon foi uma figura importante na convers�o do povo ao cristianismo no s�culo 10 depois de Cristo. Ele decretou?? que a festividade de Yule passaria a ser comemorada
como crian�a que chega para dar sentido de nascimento�, diz a professora.
como?? adulto que n�o chega nem para fazer sentido, mas sim para ser crian�a. �como crian�as que chegam para trazer sentido?? ao nascimento.�
Com o tempo, as celebra��es consideradas pag�s e as crist�s se sincretizaram e passaram a ser vistas como uma?? s�, o que teve uma for�a maior do catolicismo e da f� crist�, e teve tamb�m uma maior for�a menor?? do protestantismo
v�o se difundindo e se consolidando. O culto aos deuses foi renovado e envolvido pelo dogmatismo crist�o e a?? rela��o mais religiosa com a natureza foi, aos poucos, sendo sobreposta aos ritos pag�os. Apesar de tudo, muitos pesquisadores dizem?? que o culto pag�o coexistiu�, diz Souza.
Neste momento da hist�ria, as festividades se constituem no calend�rio civil e, portanto, se?? fundem com o calend�rio religioso.O Papa Greg�rio XIII, em 1532 d.
interior desse calend�rio o ponto de partida � o nascimento?? de Cristo, mas n�o deixa de levar em conta o ciclo solar.
interno desse calend�rios o Ponto de chegada � a?? chegada de Jesus, o ano de 2023, a vinda do Senhor Jesus Cristo.�H� v�rios natais, v�rios calend�rios, ent�o n�o se?? pode fazer uma leitura do Natal de uma vis�o equivocada de um contraponto crist�o. A hist�ria n�o � muito maior.?? � preciso que a gente entenda como as culturas se
por exemplo, o in�cio do ciclo n�o � no p�s-Natal, se?? d� antes do Yule. � no momento que o sol morre para renascer, que � na Sabbat de Samhain [celebra��o?? em honra aos ancestrais], sincretizado com o Dia das Bruxas�, explica a doutora em Educa��o.
Sabbats: passagens de tempo baseadas na?? natureza
Al�m do calend�rio que crist�o s�o a seguir, chamado de calend�rio gregoriano, h�
chamadas de sabbats.
chamada de Sabbat, a Roda do?? Ano representa o ciclo de vida, morte e renascimento. Foram as celebra��es do instrumento de contagem do tempo que deram?? origem a diversas festas que conhecemos nos dias atuais, como a P�scoa e o Carnaval.A Terra � dividida pela Linha?? do Equador, o que interfere diretamente nas esta��es do ano de quem est� acima ou abaixo dela, e por este?? motivo, existem a Rotas de Ano Norte e a roda do
estados do Norte do pa�s e alguns estados do Nordeste,?? que possuem esta��es clim�ticas diferentes do restante do estado, � poss�vel acompanhar a Roda Norte.
estados de Norte e Nordeste e?? tamb�m alguns Estados do Sul do Brasil e algumas estados de alguns estado do Sudeste,
Em Bel�m, no Par�, por exemplo,?? come�ou a �poca de chuvas, conhecida como Inverno Amaz�nico, enquanto o restante da pa�s j� sente a chegada do ver�o,?? com in�cio oficial no dia 22 de dezembro, conhecido como in�cio
intensificam em Bel�m. Per�odo � conhecido como Inverno Amaz�nico. �??
: Joyce Ferreira/Comus
Solst�cio � um evento celeste que marca a posi��o mais alta ou mais baixa do sol. No Solsticio?? de Inverno o sol est� embitdiceposi��o menos alta e tende a aumentar. Ao chegar no SolST�cio de Ver�o,?? posi��o muito mais elevada, o Sol tende � diminuir. O Sabbat correspondente ao Sol Solest�cio do Ver�o � Y
Norte do?? pa�s.
Seguir uma das Rodas do Ano e celebrar os sabbats permitem com que o celebrante entre em contato com a?? natureza.�A Roda do ano � uma esp�cie de um calend�rio de celebra��es solares, relacionadas aos ciclos solares e de colheitas,?? dos ciclos da terra, da dimens�o sazonal que os povos tinham com eles, como o per�odo que as �rvores ficavam?? frut�feras, embaixo da neve, das chuvas, ent�o s�o as rela��es humanas com os ciclos naturais
Como celebrar Yule
Enfeite uma �rvore com?? fitas na cor que desejar para que a vida continue forte no ciclo da vida. Partilhe presentes com as pessoas?? amadas.Fa�a um bolo no formato da tora de uma �rvores, em um papelote de alum�nio, desejos para o novo ciclo?? e convide a fam�lia e os amigos para partilhar as fatias.Agrade�a a presen�a da Deusa M�e e do Deus Sol,?? aben�oe a casa e a
abaixo - em um altar.
�Lembre-se: Yule � um ciclo que n�o se fecha em uma �nica?? dia�, refor�a Roseli Souza.�
S�mbolos de Yul Yun Yin Yuan utilizados no Natal
?? S�mbol�mbolo: pinheiros, pinhas, flocos de neve, estrelas, troncos,?? velas, frutas vermelhas.?? Cores
??Verde � representa fertilidade e esperan�a ?
Comidas: nozes, castanhas, ma��, panetones, bolos, comidas com milho, com amendoim,?? batata e ab�bora.
??? Temperos: canela, noz moscada, gengibre, pimenta-do-reino, pinho, canela rosa, cravo, mel, Mel,Mel, castanha, sementes, frutos do mar,?? frutas, verduras, legumes, hortali�as, flores, plantas, animais, p�ssaros, insetos, peixes, aves,
Comida: castanhas
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Guerra?? afeta celebra��o do Natal em Bel�m, ber�o do cristianismo
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Former online gambling company
Bwin.Party Digital Entertainment was an online gambling
company, formed by the March 2011 merger of PartyGaming plc?? and Bwin Interactive
Entertainment AG. Formerly the world's largest publicly traded online gambling firm,[2]
it was best known for its?? online poker room PartyPoker, World Poker Tour and its sports
betting brand Bwin (officially styled bwin).
The company was headquartered in?? Gibraltar
and quoted on the London Stock Exchange. PartyGaming Plc was founded in 1997 with the
launch of Starluck Casino.?? Prior to passage of the Unlawful Internet Gambling
Enforcement Act of 2006 by the U.S. Congress, the firm was the?? world's largest online
poker brand, based on cash game revenue and number of players. Its market share has
fallen since?? then, but it remains the third largest online poker room in the world,
behind PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker.[3]
The new?? company became the world's largest
publicly traded online gaming firm in 2010, 48.4% owned by existing PartyGaming
shareholders and 51.6%?? by bwin shareholders. The merged company was listed on the
London Stock Exchange, with joint CEOs Norbert Teufelberger and Jim?? Ryan.[4]
a protracted bidding process between 888 Holdings and Entain, Bwin.Party confirmed on 4
September 2024 that it had accepted?? GVC's bid for �1.1 billion. The transaction was
completed on 1 February 2024.
History [ edit ]
Party Gaming and Bwin merged?? on 31 March
2011. The rumors of a planned Bwin and Party merger began in November 2009, but were
not?? confirmed until a joint statement was issued 26 August 2010.[4] In December 2010
shareholders were sent a 478-page document with?? details and an outline of planned
merger. On 28 Jan 2011 the merger was approved by shareholders and then completed?? on 31
March 2011.
In October 2012, bwin announced the sale of its leading online poker
network, Ongame, to Amaya Gaming?? Group in a deal worth up to �25 million.[5]
November 2013 it was announced that had applied for an?? online gaming licence
for the state of New Jersey in July, and on 8 November had been awarded a transactional
?? waiver by the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement allowing it to participate in
the online gaming market in the?? state, prior to a full licence being granted. The group
launched both poker and casino games under the land-based casino?? licence of its New
Jersey partner, Borgata Casino, the launch included both Borgata's and its own brands,
including partypoker.[6] By?? the end of December, the new partypoker site had acquired
50% of the cash game traffic in New Jersey.[7]
Following a?? protracted bidding process
between 888 Holdings and GVC Holdings, Bwin.Party confirmed on 4 September 2024 that it
had accepted GVC's?? bid for �1.1 billion.[8] The transaction was completed on 1 February
2024,[9] as indicated by cancellation of LSE traded shares?? on 2 February
Products and services [ edit ]
Sports betting [ edit ]
Sports bets were the
core business at bwin,?? with a sports betting lineup including more than 90 different
sports; the principal customer interest is soccer. In order to?? boost bwin's presence in
the UK football betting market, the company launched bwinbetting in 2011. Other sports
included all popular?? ball-related sports, US sports as well as all major winter sports
and motorsports ranging from Formula 1 to MotoGP. "Exotic"?? sports such as roller
hockey, futsal and darts were also included in the daily lineup. Customers could also
find odds?? on a range of events outside of sports. These included bets on politics and
entertainment such as the Oscars, talent?? shows, the Eurovision Song Contest and "Miss"
Poker [ edit ]
The following types of games were offered at bwin Poker:
?? Texas Hold'em, Omaha, Omaha Hi/Lo, Seven Card Stud, Seven Card Stud Hi/Lo and Five-card
draw, plus house variations like Double?? (three hole cards, choose two, halfway between
Hold'em and Omaha). In terms of stakes, users could choose between Fixed Limit,?? Pot
Limit or No Limit tables. A "play money" version of the games was also available for
users to try?? out for free. bwin offered poker tournaments, both Sit & Go and scheduled,
and cash games (ring games). Sit &?? Go tournaments began as soon as the table was
completely occupied. Scheduled tournaments began at a specified time and allowed?? for
higher numbers of participants and the highest prize pools. In cash games the players
could join and leave whenever?? they wanted. bwin Poker could be played using the Mac OS
X Poker Client, the Windows Poker Client, the Java?? Poker Client or the Poker app for
Android or the iPhone. The Mac and Windows version offered an extensive selection?? of
features such as statistics and a mini-table function. The Java client was
platform-independent as it was a browser-based solution.?? In January 2011, bwin launched
a dedicated Poker app for the iPhone to allow real money poker. This was followed?? in
July 2011 by a similar application for Android-based devices. The mobile client allowed
customers to play cash games on?? their mobile phones. Both apps were restricted to
limited territories as permitted by local laws.[12]
PokerRoom was an online poker
cardroom?? founded in 1999. Licensed by the Kahnawake Gaming Commission, PokerRoom
offered both play and real money formats. Tournaments and ring?? games were available in
both web-browser and download client platforms, with support for both Macintosh and
Linux. PokerRoom was one?? of the first online poker sites to provide multi-language
support, and catered to Danish, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, and?? Swedish
speakers. These languages were accessed via "regional sites", many of them showing
local sponsoring for the selected region. After?? 10 years of operation, bwin announced
the closure of PokerRoom on 14 April 2009.[13] It was relaunched in 2012 but?? shut down
again on 19 February 2013.[14]
Bingo [ edit ]
Following the acquisition of Cashcade in
2009, took control of?? a B2C portfolio of online bingo brands including Foxy
Bingo, PartyBingo and Cheeky Bingo. Cashcade was the first company to?? promote online
bingo to a mass market via television advertising and was first to develop the "free
bingo" concept to?? attract new customers. Bwin began offering bingo at the end of
December 2009 when its Italian subsidiary, Gioco Digitale, launched?? bingo as the first
authorised Italian private online gaming operator.[15]
Casino games [ edit ]
offered more than 100 games, ranging?? from classics such as roulette or blackjack to
slot machines and casino tournaments. The casino has a longstanding tradition at?? bwin:
In 2001, it was introduced as a second product, after sports betting.[16] The biggest
ever casino jackpot win happened?? in 2014 when an individual won a little over 6 million
Soft games [ edit ]
bwin offered more than 60?? games divided into the categories
of Fortune Games, Skill Games, Mini Games and "ParaDice", as well as Backgammon. This
was?? the product group with the biggest potential for innovation and expansion on the
Legal Status [ edit ]
As the global?? legal framework for internet gambling
is a complicated mix of laws and regulations, bwin's situation varied depending on the
country?? concerned. Recently, Italy extended its online licences to include poker
tournaments, and countries such as Denmark and Spain announced their?? intention to
permit private operators access to their markets under stringent conditions and
controls. On the other hand, other countries?? maintain a state monopoly on internet
gaming, or ban it completely.
On 15 September 2006, Norbert Teufelberger and Manfred
Bodner were?? arrested at a press conference in La Turbie, France, for allegedly breaking
French gambling laws.[18] After an investigation, a judge?? released them three days
later. When France opened their market for private online gaming in June 2010, bwin
became the?? first operator there.
In February 2013, the Australian Communications and
Media Authority referred the Bwin arm of to the Australian?? Federal Police
for contraventions of the Interactive Gambling Act. The Act prohibits gambling
companies from providing 'interactive' gambling services to?? those in Australia.
Penalties for each breach, which can be for each day, areR$220,000 for individuals
andR$1.1 million for corporations.
Bwin?? recently sponsored football giants Real Madrid,
A.C. Milan and Bayern Munich and more recently Olympique de Marseille.[19] In October
2010,?? Bwin announced a sponsorship for the upcoming three football seasons in which it
would be the title sponsor of the?? Ta�a de Portugal, named the "Bwin Cup".[20] Italy's
second tier, Serie B, has already been re-branded "Serie bwin" after a?? two-year
sponsorship deal was signed in July 2010.
On 16 August 2012, bwin announced it was
entering into a digital partnership?? with Manchester United to become the club's
official online gaming and betting partner.
In the past, many other top events in?? the
international and local sports world were supported by the corporation. Bwin also
sponsored the Portuguese first football league (bwinLIGA)?? and has been partner to clubs
such as Juventus and Werder Bremen.[21]
Bwin cooperated with the International
Basketball Association (FIBA) and?? has sponsored the European and World Basketball
Championships since 2006. A second basketball sponsorship is Euroleague Basketball.
Bwin's marketing and?? media rights agreement for Euroleague events expired in June
In the area of motorsport, the company was one of the?? main sponsors of the MotoGP
series. In 2012, it was the title sponsor of the races in Jerez and GP?? in Brno and
official partner of the Misano, Mugello and Silverstone. In December 2011, bwin
announced it would be extending?? its Moto GP sponsorships through 2013.
In addition,
Bwin organised numerous poker events both online and offline. One of the biggest
?? regular online tournaments was the ChampionChip. Special poker tournaments like the
Weekly Country Showdown or the Bwin Dailies offered a?? range of tournaments adjusted to
country specifics and buy-in levels. Periodically, there were launched new types and
variations of Sit?? & Go's. Also, several online qualifiers the Bwin user could qualify
for offline events like the World Series of Poker?? (WSOP), the Aussie Millions and
events on the World Poker Tour. For "poker newbies", Bwin offered the Rookie Challenge
where?? a new poker player had the chance to climb up several stages for free to earn
real money tickets.
The company?? faced some opposition in Europe over sponsorship of
sports, especially football. In 2006, the German city of Bremen banned its?? top football
club, Werder Bremen, from carrying the Bwin logo on its shirts.[22]
In January 2014,
the company announced major sponsorship?? deals with the New Jersey Devils and
Philadelphia 76ers. The combined deals included major advertising to the fans of both
?? teams and the creation of the Dream Seat Series, which was a series of online poker
tournaments offering ticket packages?? to winners and other prizes to runners-up before
every home game.[23]
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se reproduzido, indicar a fonte:vspcity.comnews/grupo-telegram-apostas-basquete-2024-01-07-id-9381.html
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